Quick Start

This guide will help you get started with GoBatch quickly.


Before getting started, please ensure all dependency requirements are met, especially the MySQL database configuration.

Writing Your First Batch Job

In this example, we will read user data from a CSV file, process it, and write it to a database. All Go code will be placed in a single file named main.go. You can choose to directly check out the gobatch-example/quickstart code or manually create it step by step as follows.

Create Project

Create a new Go project directory in your working directory, for example, gobatch-quickstart.

mkdir gobatch-quickstart
cd gobatch-quickstart
go mod init


To install GoBatch, use the following command:

go get -u github.com/chararch/gobatch

Add CSV File

Create a file named users.csv in the project directory and add the following content:

1,John Doe,john.doe@example.com
2,Jane Smith,jane.smith@example.com
3,Bob Johnson,bob.johnson@example.com
4,Alice Brown,alice.brown@example.com
5,Charlie Davis,charlie.davis@example.com
6,David Evans,david.evans@example.com
7,Eva Foster,eva.foster@example.com
8,Frank Green,frank.green@example.com
9,Grace Harris,grace.harris@example.com
10,Hank Ingram,hank.ingram@example.com
11,Ivy Johnson,ivy.johnson@example.com
12,Jack King,jack.king@example.com
13,Kate Lewis,kate.lewis@example.com
14,Liam Miller,liam.miller@example.com
15,Mia Nelson,mia.nelson@example.com
16,Noah Owens,noah.owens@example.com
17,Olivia Parker,olivia.parker@example.com
18,Paul Quinn,paul.quinn@example.com
19,Quinn Roberts,quinn.roberts@example.com
20,Rachel Scott,rachel.scott@example.com

Create users Table

First, create a table named users in your database to store user information.

    name VARCHAR(100),
    email VARCHAR(100)

Write Go Code

Create a main.go file in the project root directory. All Go code in the following steps will be written in the main.go file.

Import GoBatch

Import the GoBatch package and other necessary libraries.

import (
    _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

Define Steps

Create steps using readers, processors, and writers.

// Define a reader
type csvReader struct {
    file *os.File
    reader *csv.Reader

func (r *csvReader) Open(execution *gobatch.StepExecution) gobatch.BatchError {
    file, err := os.Open("users.csv")
    if err != nil {
        return gobatch.NewBatchError("CSV_OPEN_ERROR", "Failed to open CSV file", err)
    r.file = file
    r.reader = csv.NewReader(file)
    _, _ = r.reader.Read() // Skip header
    return nil

func (r *csvReader) Read(chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) (interface{}, gobatch.BatchError) {
    record, err := r.reader.Read()
    if err != nil {
        if err == io.EOF {
            return nil, nil // End of file
        return nil, gobatch.NewBatchError("CSV_OPEN_ERROR", "Failed to read file", err)
    return record, nil

func (r *csvReader) Close(execution *gobatch.StepExecution) gobatch.BatchError {
    err := r.file.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return gobatch.NewBatchError("CSV_CLOSE_ERROR", "Failed to close CSV file", err)
    return nil

// Define a processor
type userProcessor struct {}

func (p *userProcessor) Process(item interface{}, chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) (interface{}, gobatch.BatchError) {
    record := item.([]string)
    return map[string]interface{}{
        "id":    record[0],
        "name":  record[1],
        "email": record[2],
    }, nil

// Define a writer
type dbWriter struct {
    db *sql.DB

func (w *dbWriter) Write(items []interface{}, chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) gobatch.BatchError {
    for _, item := range items {
        user := item.(map[string]interface{})
        _, err := w.db.Exec("INSERT INTO users (id, name, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", user["id"], user["name"], user["email"])
        if err != nil {
            return gobatch.NewBatchError("DB_WRITE_ERROR", "Failed to write to database", err)
    return nil

Build and Register Job

Build your job with the defined steps and register it with GoBatch.

func main() {
    // Set up database connection
    // Please modify the username, password, host, and database name according to your MySQL configuration
    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/gobatch")
    if err != nil {

    // Build steps
    step := gobatch.NewStep("csvToDb").Reader(&csvReader{}).Processor(&userProcessor{}).Writer(&dbWriter{db: db}).Build()

    // Build job
    job := gobatch.NewJob("csvImportJob").Step(step).Build()

    // Register job

    // Run job
    gobatch.Start(context.Background(), "csvImportJob", "")

Run the Job

Execute your job using GoBatch's start function.

gobatch.Start(context.Background(), "csvImportJob", "")

If you have checked out the gobatch-example/quickstart code, you can execute the run.sh script in the directory.

Check Results

After the job execution is complete, you can check the data in the users table using the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM users;

This will return all inserted user data, helping you verify the execution results of the batch job.

The complete example code can be found in gobatch-example/quickstart.

For more detailed examples, please refer to the Example 1 and Example 2.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""