Usage Examples
This guide demonstrates how to use GoBatch through practical examples. The complete example code can be found in the gobatch-example/basic directory.
Before getting started, please ensure all dependency requirements are met, especially the MySQL database configuration.
Writing Steps
Simple Step Example
A simple step executes business logic in a single thread:
// Define a simple task function
func mytask() {
fmt.Println("mytask executed")
// Build the step
step1 := gobatch.NewStep("mytask").Handler(mytask).Build()
Chunk Step Example
A chunk step processes data in chunks using the read-process-write pattern.
- Create Reader
type myReader struct {}
func (r *myReader) Read(chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) (interface{}, gobatch.BatchError) {
curr, _ := chunkCtx.StepExecution.StepContext.GetInt("read.num", 0)
if curr < 100 {
chunkCtx.StepExecution.StepContext.Put("read.num", curr+1)
return fmt.Sprintf("value-%v", curr), nil
return nil, nil
- Create Processor
type myProcessor struct {}
func (r *myProcessor) Process(item interface{}, chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) (interface{}, gobatch.BatchError) {
return fmt.Sprintf("processed-%v", item), nil
- Create Writer
type myWriter struct {}
func (r *myWriter) Write(items []interface{}, chunkCtx *gobatch.ChunkContext) gobatch.BatchError {
fmt.Printf("write: %v\n", items)
return nil
- Build Chunk Step
step2 := gobatch.NewStep("my_step").
Building and Running a Job
1. Configure Database Connection
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@tcp(")
if err != nil {
Note: Please replace
, andgobatch
with your actual database username, password, host:port, and database name.
2. Build and Register Job
// Build job with steps
job := gobatch.NewJob("my_job").Step(step1, step2).Build()
// Register job
3. Run Job
// Run synchronously with parameters
params, _ := util.JsonString(map[string]interface{}{
"rand": time.Now().Nanosecond(),
gobatch.Start(context.Background(), job.Name(), params)
// Or run asynchronously
// gobatch.StartAsync(context.Background(), job.Name(), "")
Complete Example
The complete example code can be found in gobatch-example/basic/main.go.